Why Do Unmarried Women Acquire PID?
A lot of people do not think that unmarried women also can acquire PID. Generally speaking, it is right, but not absolute. Because the bacteria inducing PID can invade the internal genital organ by some other means such as intercourse and operation of uterine cavity. To be specific, there are some following methods listed below:
1. Filthy masturbation.
The surface of dirty fingers and instrument can be stained with pathogens, even the venereal pathogens such as gonococcus and mycoplasma. When you use these dirty things to massage the clitoris or insert them to vagina, you may bring the pathogens into your body, inducing inflammation.
2. Bad living habits
For example, having a hip bath before menstruation is a usual inducement. Because the body’s resistance would decline in the period, when the private parts is soaked in the water, the pathogens can upward enter into the internal genital organ. If you are swimming in the period, it is more easy for the pathogens in the water to enter the vagina, then go into the uterus and Fallopian tubes, inducing inflammation. So that the unmarried women also can acquire PID by this way.
3. Other illnesses
The most common one is appendicitis. If you delay the treatment, the appendix would be purulent. The inflammatory exudate can flow into the pelvic cavity and then induce salpingitis. In addition, the acute enteritis can also induce PID. The bacteria in the rectum can go to the genital organ through lymphatic. The pathogens of phthisis can flow into the pelvic cavity through the blood and induce PID.
4. Douching the vagina
Some women has the habit of douching the vagina. But the frequent douching would change the acid environment of vagina, keeping it from the invasion of pathogens. At the same time, it would dash the pathogens in the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity. So that the morbidity of PID is relative to the frequency of douching the vagina. For the woman who douches her vagina for more than 3 times, the morbidity of PID is 3.6 times higher than the one who do it for just one time.
It is not suitable for unmarried women to use physical therapy to treat PID. If you are not married and acquire PID, you can use some traditional Chinese medicine. It won’t make physical harm to your genital organs. “Fuyan pill” is a good choice for you. It is made purely of traditional Chinese herbal and the effect of this medicine is excellent. You should also pay attention to your living habit, because the unmarried women also can acquire PID.
article source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Pelvic_Inflammatory_Disease/2013/0926/125.html
Eliminating stasis,Fuyan pill can cure the pelvic mass conservatively
キャサリンマクフィー、アメリカンアイドルの第五の季節に次点は、脚光を浴TOMMY HILFIGER アウトレット店舗びるに彼女の暴露以来不快な噂の彼女のシェアを持っていました。かわいい歌手に関する最新ゴシップに最もはっきりとまでは彼女の独特で官能的な胸が本物ではないということです。
銀行、アフリカ系アメリカ人の有名人は、一般に、元のビクトリアの秘密の天使の一人として知らトミーヒルフィガー アウトレット店舗れ ていた。モデルとしての彼女のキャリアは、いくつかの認識を集めて、そのようなカバーガール、スウォッチ、ペプシ、ナイキ社、トミーヒルフィガー、ラルフ ローレン、ドルチェなどの主要滑走路のモデリングクレジット、印刷広告、コマーシャルを持つ、成功であるとみなされるガッバーナやイヴ·サンローラン&ほ んの数名に。さらに、彼女は最終的に名声に彼女を連れELLE、ヴォーグ、コスモポリタン、アミカとスポーツイラストのような有名な雑誌の表紙を飾ってき た。また、アメリカの次の上位モデルのホストおよび作成者として知られている、彼女は事前に同じ憶測が発生しました。彼女の "たぶん"シリコンが強化された胸の噂は問題を抱えて、彼女は特に豊胸、彼女は公然とアメリカの次の上位モデルのモデルとを語る主題に関係する、本当に ニップタックの裏書人ではないので、元スーパーモデルの狩り。
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How to treat infertility caused by chlamydia infection?
Chlamydia is a pathogen which can infect men's and women's reproductive systems. If chlamydia infection is left untreated or has been maltreated, it may cause infertility.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20120517/chlamydia-infertility.html