



How does a man get prostatitis and how is prostatitis cured?

Core Tip: Prostate is an area that brings about multiple diseases. If you do not take care of it well, inflammation is a common result and prostate diseases come along. Prostatitis is a disease that affect a lot in men's health. So if anything abnormal occurs in prostate, patients had better go to the hospital and find out the exact reason that causes it. In addition, many prostate patients even do not know how do they suffer from this disease. Here are some details about this question.

1. Prostatoplasia. Prostatoplasia is a factor that causes prostate congest repeatedly, which leads to infection. In this situation, if urethral dilatation procedure is not finished scrutinizingly, bacteria can be brought in prostate. Consequently, prostate occurs.
2. Both overmuch massage or the strength is too strong can lead to prostate congestion and edema, which induces prostatitis.
3. Urethritis is also one of the factors that give rise to prostatitis. Pathogens that causes urethritis are able to enter prostate through urethra and ducts of prostate gland. As a result, those pathogens can infect prostate as well and finally causes prostatitis.
4. Bad habits and customs. Frequent drinking, riding and masturbation are all causes of prostate congestion.
5. Be chary of catching cold. Catching a cold irritates sympathetic nerve in prostate. Then pressure in urethra increases, the shrink obstructs excretion, prostate is congested.
6. Holding back urine. Men who usually hold back urine can get a higher risk of prostatitis. That is because once the bladder is full, men will have a desire to urinate. If they hold back urine, urine can flow backwards to prostate, and if it joins in prostate gland, some crystalline solids in urine can deposit onto prostate tissues and forms concretion with corpora amylacea, epithelial cells, purine, cholesterol, citric acid.
Prostatitis plays a decisive role in men's health. Men who have suffered from prostatitis should go to the hospital as soon as possible and receive niche targeting treatment under the conduct of the doctor. When selecting the treatment, patients can take traditional Chinese medicine as a consideration.
Attentive point:Traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill does not rely on some medicine in treating chronic prostatitis. But use special materials in traditional Chinese medicine, such as safflower, radix paeoniae rubra, peach kernel, to regulate qi and blood and improve chronic prostate congestion. Besides, other prescriptions that can clear away heat and toxic material and induce diuresis for treating strangurtia, such as houttuynia, plantago, are able to eliminate damp pathogens and relieve symptoms of frequent urine, urgency of micturition, and odynuria. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is the very medicine which can promote the absorption of inflammatory substances, eliminate fibrosis and adjust the overall prostate function, and eventually cure prostatitis.


Prostate aging would occur when people aged 35

We know that prostate is located between the bladder and pelvic floor muscles and it wrap the urethra. However, it is just the accessory glands, the main work of it is to give sperm, provide services for testicular. As time goes by, when people aged 35, the prostate can also aging, and some problems followed. So like the gray hair and wrinkle in face which requires people to adapt, we should slowly come to accept it and learn how to peace coexistence with the disease.
Many men "self-diagnosis" of prostatitis, actually, the real symptoms are only three kinds, the first one is urination disorders, which can cause frequent urination, urinary urgency, urinary endless and urine weakness. Second one is the emergence of pain around the genitals, including the pain of lower abdomen, penis, scrotum, perineum, back and so on. The third one is the psychiatric problems, and it manifested as fatigue, sleep disorders, backache petrified, hot flashes, sweating and irritability and so on. However, even with the above performance, it does not mean the suffering of prostatitis.
There are two criteria to make a distinguish of prostatitis, the symptoms cumulate a month or more in a year and the symptoms last two months or three months or more. As a result, the performance is different with different people. Wuhan Dr.lee said that the condition on each people is different and with the aging happen, people's "pain" will also change. Occasionally, you would not suspect a headache is caused by a brain tumor, similarly, you should not doubt the temporary prostatitis prostate symptoms are a result of prostatitis infections.
In general, prostatitis is divided into the physiological state and pathological conditions. Inflammation of the physiological state is mostly caused by the irregular life. Sedentary,drinking, eating chili and holding back too long and so on. Dr lee said that in most condition, the wrong judgment of this kind of disease is the result of fear and the physiology. They often scare themselves by their own imagination.
Dr. Lee told that it is a common situation that the prostate appears some problems more or less as people get old, but the present of symptoms not just mean the infection of this disease. It may cause by the mood of you. And if you have been diagnosed with prostatitis, then the traditional Chinese medicine will bring some consequence unexpected. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is a kind of herbal medicine, it works on the immune system, so most of bacterial infection are cleared by your immune system, thus, herbal medicine has no drug resistance, it can keep you body in healthy condition rather than antibiotic.

Tips on prostatitis massage

As more and more people have been attacked by prostatitis, there are many adjuvant therapies like massage relieving the painful symptoms. However, massage isn't suitable for every prostatitis patient and there are some tips on massage that can help them to ease the symptoms effectively.


For prostatitis patients with plump and soft prostate and too much discharge, massage is a simple and effective adjuvant therapy that has some effect on drainage of prostate fluid, improvement of blood circulation, promoting inflammatory absorption.

It is suggested to take massage once a week, and do it once a month after the symptoms of prostatitis have relieved. For married men, regular intercourse is also helpful for the disease. However, massage can't be done during intercourse.


Besides, there are some other tips on prostatitis massage:


1. Massage isn't suitable for acute prostatitis patients whose prostate has the obvious pain when touched.

2. For patients with tuberculosis or tumor of prostate, acute attack of chronic prostatitis, atrophy or hardening of prostate, it is better for them to keep far away from massage.

3. In order to avoid prostate injure, patients can't use the fingertip to do massage.

4. For the beginners, controlling the moderate intensity is very important, because neither too light massage intensity nor too heavy one is effective.


Attention: patients have to learn the right massage under the doctor's instruction. If they have any uncomfortable feeling during massage, it is necessary for them to see a doctor in time.


However, as an adjuvant therapy, massage just can relieve some symptoms of prostatitis. If you want to get a cure, you'd better take treatments like antibiotics and TCM. Different from antibiotics which will come out resistance to drugs for long-term usage, Chinese herbal medicines like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill are made from pure natural herbs. Therefore, prostatitis can be cured once for all without any side effect.

article source:http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/News/2014/0906/1120.html

Why Do Unmarried Women Acquire PID?

Why Do Unmarried Women Acquire PID?

A lot of people do not think that unmarried women also can acquire PID. Generally speaking, it is right, but not absolute. Because the bacteria inducing PID can invade the internal genital organ by some other means such as intercourse and operation of uterine cavity. To be specific, there are some following methods listed below:

1. Filthy masturbation.
The surface of dirty fingers and instrument can be stained with pathogens, even the venereal pathogens such as gonococcus and mycoplasma. When you use these dirty things to massage the clitoris or insert them to vagina, you may bring the pathogens into your body, inducing inflammation.

2. Bad living habits
For example, having a hip bath before menstruation is a usual inducement. Because the body’s resistance would decline in the period, when the private parts is soaked in the water, the pathogens can upward enter into the internal genital organ. If you are swimming in the period, it is more easy for the pathogens in the water to enter the vagina, then go into the uterus and Fallopian tubes, inducing inflammation. So that the unmarried women also can acquire PID by this way.

3. Other illnesses
The most common one is appendicitis. If you delay the treatment, the appendix would be purulent. The inflammatory exudate can flow into the pelvic cavity and then induce salpingitis. In addition, the acute enteritis can also induce PID. The bacteria in the rectum can go to the genital organ through lymphatic. The pathogens of phthisis can flow into the pelvic cavity through the blood and induce PID.

4. Douching the vagina
Some women has the habit of douching the vagina. But the frequent douching would change the acid environment of vagina, keeping it from the invasion of pathogens. At the same time, it would dash the pathogens in the vagina and cervix into the uterine cavity. So that the morbidity of PID is relative to the frequency of douching the vagina. For the woman who douches her vagina for more than 3 times, the morbidity of PID is 3.6 times higher than the one who do it for just one time.

It is not suitable for unmarried women to use physical therapy to treat PID. If you are not married and acquire PID, you can use some traditional Chinese medicine. It won’t make physical harm to your genital organs. “Fuyan pill” is a good choice for you. It is made purely of traditional Chinese herbal and the effect of this medicine is excellent. You should also pay attention to your living habit, because the unmarried women also can acquire PID.

article source: http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Pelvic_Inflammatory_Disease/2013/0926/125.html

Eliminating stasis,Fuyan pill can cure the pelvic mass conservatively

Eliminating stasis,Fuyan pill can cure the pelvic mass conservatively

Pelvic mass is commonly seen when the pelvic inflammation has delayed or improper treatment. It is also one of the most common gynecological diseases for women. For the pelvic mass treatment, most patients choose the antibiotics, and a part of them also choose the surgery. 
However, in traditional Chinese medicine, promoting blood stasis is the key to cure this kind of disease, so Chinese doctor usually choose the medicine with the function of activating blood circulation and dissipating blood stasis. Fuyan pill is such kind of medicine. So here, we will take a look at how fuyan pill treats pelvic mass conservatively.
A brief introduction of pelvic mass
When pelvic organs infect with some inflammation, if patients do not receive the timely treatment, the pelvic tissues then will have the histological chronic changes, which will finally lead to the occurrence of pelvic mass. The main symptoms of the disease are lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and increased vaginal discharge and so on. With the increase of the mass, the pain could also increases. Clinically, the pelvic mass is the result of the acute salpingitis. When the inflammation spread, the fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus would link together and then the disease is formed.
Having remedy according to the cases
With a clear understanding of the disease, the treatment should also be symptomatic. Firstly, to dismiss the pain and mass, blood stasis drugs are a must in traditional Chinese medicine. In the treatment, fuyan pill focuses on eliminating stasis, peach seed, flos carthami and so on in the formula are all hold the effect of activating blood circulation and dissipating blood stasis, which can not only promote the flow of qi and blood, but also can enhance the local metabolism. With the help of these herbs, the pain and mass can all be completely eliminated eventually.
Combining with some other medicines in it, the symptoms of increased vaginal discharge and abdominal pain also will be cured in a short time. However, to cure the disease, the key point is to dismiss the inflammation and sterilization to eliminate the main causes of the lesion. Fuyan pill, with some detoxification drugs in it, plays the role of broad-spectrum antibiotics, which kill all kinds of pathogens like the mycoplasma, chlamydia and so on. It can change the body from the root of the causes, and help to repair the damaged tissue completely.
The conservative treatment of pelvic mass is a relatively safe treatment method at present, because it can minimize the damage without affecting the natural conception. With the treatment of fuyan pills, the disease can be cured in about three courses commonly. But for patients with larger mass, they’d better take the surgery first. After surgery, they can take fuyan pill to prevent the recurrence.


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